Preparing the young for life through financial literacy, entrepreneurship and soft skills.


School smarts good, life smarts better.

Our very first Money Smarts lesson

Our very first Money Smarts lesson

Why did we start Smarty Pants?

Hello, and welcome to Smarty Pants. We have a mission to nurture life savvy, world-ready children so they are free to create a life rich with purpose, resources, and opportunities for themselves. This is our story.

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Our Inno Smarts students promoting their business ideas

Our Inno Smarts students promoting their business ideas

Our coaching methods

It is life skills afterall, what good will it be to keep the learning within the four walls of our classroom? Our programmes are designed to incorporate a blend of technology-based and physical learning mediums, of theory and real life applications.

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World-ready, life savvy

Articles, thoughts, reflections, and opinions about raising life smart children.


A headstart in life.

Like academic training, life skills take time to nurture and practice. Find the right programme to get your child started.
